Ballbusting by Lisa
Price: $7.95
Length: 6:08 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 12/21/2015
Childbirth vs. Kick in the Nuts - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Full HD Clip + 105 Pix
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Did Pun just say that a "kick in the nuts doesn't hurt that much"? Model Lisa is about to show him wrong with several hard knees, kicks and TRU SLO MO hits to his buddies. Laugh out loud as Lisa confesses that she knew it would hurt and make him crawl in pain despite what Pun said. Clip includes hilarious reactions by Lisa and Pun. This is ballbusting comedy to the sexiest. You cannot miss out.

Price: $5.99
Length: 4:50 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 05/09/2015
The Lisa Interview - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Full HD Clip + 105 Pix
Gorgeous blonde model LISA talks to us about her experiences kicking Pun in the nuts and her thoughts on ballbusitng in general. Also, she shows us how to kick and knee a guy in the nuts while modeling for our PUN! Comedy cameras. Overall, she is a nice girl. However, if you hurt her or betray her, you better Protect Ur Nuts!
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Price: $7.95
Length: 4:20 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 05/03/2015
We Need To See Other People - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Full HD Clips + 105 Pix
Gorgeous blonde Model Lisa is trying to break up with Pun. However, no matter how she phrases it, Pun does not seem to get the message and suggests the dumbest ideas on how to keep the relationship afloat. In order to get her message across, Lisa uses her newly acquired ballbusting skills to knee, kick and break off from Pun. Clip includes Slow-Mo shots, different takes and bloopers to produce a quality clip that hurts down there!
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