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DMCA Takedown Form

If you choose to request removal of content by submitting an infringement notification, please remember that you are initiating a legal process. Do not make false claims. Misuse of this process may result in the suspension of your access or other legal consequences.

The copyright owner’s name will be published at Protect Ur Nuts in place of the disabled content. This will become part of the public record of your request, along with your description of the work(s) allegedly infringed. All the information provided in this DMCA Takedown Form (including your personal information) are part of the full takedown notice and may be forwarded to the uploader of the allegedly infringing content. By submitting this form you consent to having your information revealed in this way.


We reserve the right to challenge abuses of the DMCA process, and your use of this form does not waive that right.

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