Ballbusting by Gina
Price: $7.95
Length: 6:17 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 05/12/2015
Cup Commercial feat. Gina - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Gorgeous Model Gina had the pleasure to make a commercial for our Shop here at Protect Ur Nuts Comedy. But in order to get it right, Pun had to take the pain as we had to take many takes and poor Pun got kneed and punched REALLY hard repeatedly in the nuts! Still, we had to get it perfect. Clip includes several TRU SLO MO shots!

Price: $7.95
Length: 7:57 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 06/30/2015
The Gina Interview - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Gorgeous asian Model Gina tells us about her experience stepping on some guy's nuts (we do not recommend) and how amusing it is that nuts are so easily hurt. She recalls as a kid sparring and getting into a lot of trouble for it, as those kids would just drop at the touch of her knee when unprotected. Additionally, she shares a funny anecdote about her dog's balls. Combined with the sexiest ballbusting modeling yet, this is a must watch!
Includes 28 High Resolution Photos as a BONUS!
Price: $7.95
Length: 7:57 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 05/27/2015
The Robbery - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Model Gina is back as the wife of a rich banker. A perfect target for Pun who goes to steal her money and her jewels. However, Pun is a terrible burgler and Gina has to teach him what he needs to do. At her frustration, Gina will knee and kick him in the nuts until a final kick to make him pass out before her husband arrives. Features alternative angles and slow motion shots!
Price: $7.95
Length: 4:29 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 05/16/2015
The Soccer Anectdote - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Introducing gorgeous asian Model Gina and new castmember Pun. Watch them as they discuss a huge disadvantage for guys of playing soccer and Gina's "thing" for owning Pun below the belt for fun. Clip features memory lane scenes filled with action knees and uppercuts and hilarious True Slow-Mo shots!